Kuala Lumpur, Dec 8 (IANS) Malaysia reported another 4,965 new Covid-19 infections, as of midnight Tuesday, bringing the national total to 2,667,999, according to the health ministry.
Some 29 of the new cases are imported, with 4,936 being local transmissions, data released on the ministry's website showed.
Another 66 deaths have been reported, bringing the death toll to 30,718, Xinhua news agency reported.
About 4,817 patients have been released after recovery, bringing the total number of cured and discharged to 2,576,870.
There are some 60,411 active cases, 437 are being held in intensive care and 240 of those are in need of assisted breathing.
The country administered 124,499 vaccine doses on Tuesday alone, and some 79.3 per cent of the population have received at least one dose and 78 per cent are fully vaccinated.
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